“Shish Kebob, Sport Vision”

Clark Street Dog ranks up there with Wrigleysville Dogs and Superdawg, and is arguably the best hot dog joint on the North Side of Chicago. The dogs are great, the fries superb, and the pizza puffs spectacular. I am not sure when they close, but I’ve been in there after 2:00am as it is within convenient walking distance from Parrott’s, Matilda, and Jake’s Pub.

The Bar at Clark St. Dog is a tiny dive with tinted glass and a handful of tables. The bar located off to the left side of the order counter and is nothing short of surreal. The bar area is so small, it makes the much-ballyhooed Matchbox bar feel like John Barleycorn’s. Clientele ranges in age, race, career, and sexual preference but are all united by the common bond of drunkenness. Entertainment at the bar consists mainly of the clientele, but also a couple of TV’s, obligatory mirrored beer signs behind the bar, cheesy linoleum and faux wood paneling, and the middle aged, LGBTQ+, Asian bartender that was observed light-heartedly threatening to slap a patron for giving him grief on calling last call. On another night, a patron was seen collapsing onto the floor, and while that didn’t dampen his merriment or quest for alcohol, a kindly woman patron helped him into the nearest cab. If you find yourself in need of the bathroom, just head to the counter and ask for the key.

If you come to Clark St. Dog for food, I suggest eating your red hot in the bar area. You are sure to be thoroughly entertained while stuffing your face. And, if you feel your arteries clogging, just head over to Illinois Masonic Hospital across the street for an angioplasty.