A listing of the spookiest pubs in Chicago, and not just because of their clientele…
- Bucktown Pub – a nasty former owner who likes to throw things
- California Clipper – a graceful lady in white
- Chet’s Melody Lounge (Justice) – the infamous, Resurrection Mary
- Country House (Clarendon Hills) – a woman in white beckons
- Edgewater Lounge – the former owner Mary who haunts upstairs
- Ethyl’s Party – ghosts from the former funeral home
- Excalibur Nightclub – Great Chicago Fire victims
- Fireside Inn – ghosts from Rosehill Cemetery across the street
- Frankie’s Roadhouse (Willow Springs) – unknown spirits
- Gold Star Bar – a would-be robber shot dead by the bartender
- Guthries Tavern – a former owner that died on the premises
- Hangge Uppe – a woman killed in the former speakeasy
- Liar’s Club – a woman butchered by her husband
- Ole St. Andrews Inn – Frank Giff, former owner and flirt
- Tonic Room – a woman murdered in the basement
- Webster’s Wine Bar – “something upstairs” in former bordello
- Wrigley Field – a billy goat curse and occasional Sox fans
How about a haunted pub crawl?
Read all about many of these hauntd pubs in Historic Bars of Chicago written by Sean Parnell
- Clark Bar – a few doors down from the site of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
- Red Lion Pub – more ghosts than you can shake a stick at
A ghost in the floor at Excalibur?

My brother photographed this image in the floor of Excalibur’s “Cabaret” (within the annotated white ring). What do you see?

My brother photographed this image in the floor of Excalibur’s “Cabaret” (within the annotated white ring). What do you see?
Reproduction of this image prohibited without express written permission from The Chicago Bar Project.